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The Heartwood Builders Blog Page

View of Seattle highlighting it's skyline as you drive into the city

5 Basic Reasons Why Living In Seattle Is The Best!

As a home builder, we knew exactly where we wanted to set up shop. Seattle, Washington has been our home for years, and with a true reason and purpose. When it comes to creating a custom home, there’s nowhere else that has the same personality and benefits as this amazing city. The city has so

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Kitchen Renovation with new island and cabinets

2021 A Year For Home Renovation

Now that you’re either in the process of or just organizing your New Year resolutions, did your home make it on that list? When it comes to a home renovation, it’s no easy task. There’s plenty of planning to take into consideration. It’s best to take things slow as well. You don’t want over half

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A newly remodeled kitchen by Heartwood Builders

How Bathroom & Kitchen Renovation Projects Can Affect the Value of Your Home

Homeowners are constantly seeking ways to maintain their houses’ value, and they often engage in renovations to achieve this. Some want to boost the property’s value for an improvement in the resale price, while others just want to upgrade their home for self-satisfaction.  Whatever your reason for considering a renovation, you should know that not

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image of a modern bathroom

Your Ultimate Bathroom Remodeling Guide! (2020)

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen and the bedroom, but the bathroom is another room that gets a lot of our attention. As such, you probably want it to be a place where you can feel at home and comfortable to be your inner self.  However, people often feel overwhelmed by the

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Neutral composition of living room interior with rattan armchair, wooden bench, a lot of tropical plants in design pots, decoration and elegant personal accessories in stylish home decor.

Summer Interior Design Tips For 2020

It is officially summertime in Seattle, and that means it’s time to switch up your style! As the temperatures rise in the city, homeowners shift their interior design style to match the climate and the summer mood. Now’s the perfect time to explore some new ideas for your home.  Don’t have any ideas, but want

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Happy young mother pushing children sitting in laundry basket. Mother and children playing at home.

Fun At-Home Social Distancing Ideas For The Family!

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow and evolve, millions of Americans have spent much more time at home. However, after cleaning the house for the 4th time, spending time inside tends to get a little stale. If you’re on the brink of boredom overdose, hold on—Heartwood Builders is here to save you with some

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Heartwood Homes Remodeling

6 Upgrades That Improve Resale Value

On the other hand, if you are planning on moving on from your home sooner rather than later, home improvements can make your home more attractive on the market and potentially increase its value.  Home upgrades, big or small, offer two main benefits depending on the housing situation. If you aren’t looking to sell any

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